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The healing tools of the Shaman ~ What to expect and how Shamanic Healing works

What should I expect from a Shamanic Healing Session?

Shamanism is the practice of bringing balance through the developing of an animistic relationship with the world around and within us. This is a relationship that not just 'sees' or 'knows,' but experiences everything around ourselves as being 'alive,' All indigenous and ancient cultures have, or had their own energy medicine, healing practices. And they had their own practitioners, medicine men and women, yogi's, sadhu's, priests, shaman, healers. The names are less important than that they all lived in as close a relationship with the land and the world around them as they could. And this relationship helped to hold them in balance and harmony so that they could help each of us who came to them to find our balance and harmony too.

The Qero and Inca peoples call this balance and harmony 'ayni.'

The intention of a shamanic healing session is to assist the person coming for support to let go of old patterns, thoughts, feelings, actions, beliefs that no longer serve them well or help them to grow. Help them to be in ayni with the world around and within them.

Really these things are just energy in the wrong place and as a Shaman my role is to help create balance. Removing heavy energies that do not feed you and replacing that old heavy energy that needs to 'go home' with an energy represented by a beautiful and illuminating golden light. So that you can go on to create the next part of your story, your new story from something uninformed by your past. Helping you to source yourself from the future instead.

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Practically a Shamanic healing session with me will last from one to two hours. We begin with a short introductory history. What brings you here today? When did things start to change so that you decided to come for this kind of help? We look for the 'hooks' that show up through the telling of your life story, So that we can track and then remove 'imprints' in your 'luminous energy field' that cause these life patterns to repeat. There will come a time after a couple of sessions when you will be ready to really step into your new life, and at this time the practice of Soul retrieval will be available.

Actually, there is really no such thing as soul loss, or soul retrieval. Because nothing is ever really lost or needs retrieving. Energy cannot be destroyed, only changed into different forms. Really it is the 'connection' with our soul parts, with our grace, our essential self, that is re-stored.

This separation with a part of our core or essential self happens when we sense that great trauma or loss is imminent. At this point the connection with our most innocent and vulnerable self is diminished so that we do not feel the loss or trauma that would touch right into the core of who we are. But while we are protected at this deep level from the pain that may follow, we also feel the separation that is created, and from then on we begin to look for what we feel is lost.

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As a Shaman, I can help you to find and to re-establish this connection, becoming whole again. Sometimes more whole than you have felt in all this life time. For sometimes, soul loss happens within a previous lifetime, but the experience and separation can continue into this and other lifetimes.

Shamanic healing sessions can take place person to person together in the same place, or by phone or an internet link such as Skype. Why does this work, how does this work? It is because we work at the level of the energetic, to create change that flows down the river of life, through the layers of energy, thought, feeling, myth and story into the physical body. Many people prefer to come in person for their appointment, but for some this is not possible as they may live too far away, or be unwell or simply cannot easily travel at this time.

You may find it useful to wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing so that you're body feels unrestricted and from the place of comfort that we create together you feel more easily able to 'release' al that you have come to your session to let go of. Sometimes I will also offer you a blanket, tucking it around you not just to keep you warm, but so that you can feel as well as know what you are being held as you journey through your own healing process.

You can expect to be guided to breathe consciously, to focus on letting whatever needs to come up to rise with your in breath so that you can let go as you breathe out. You can expect to feel held and supported through the whole process. Sometimes you will hear me sing or whistle as I work in the different worlds and dimensions that unfold to create the map of the energy body that I work with. You will hear me use a rattle or sometimes a drum to keep the rhythm as I journey to the domain of souls to bring back your Soul Parts, or to journey to the upper world to help you retrieve your original destiny or to connect with ancestors and family who have died or may need healing and support after death to 'go home' easily.

In life we tend to pick up lots of habits, thoughts, ways of doing things and beliefs that work ok, or are the best, least damaging option available at the time. But eventually, we need all the parts of ourself back. We need to be fully available to ourselves and our souls journey. This is the journey that we chose for ourselves before starting this lifetime. It is not something someone else has given to us, it is not a mission we have been given and had to accept. It is the journey of our own choosing at the level of our souls consciousness. And just like in all the stories of all the hero's. There comes a time when the voice of our souls journey becomes so loud that we cannot ignore hearing it. All we need are the resources to be able to answer. This is Shamanic Healing. The practice of enabling one or another person or being, to reveal, discover and put into place that which is necessary to come into balance, and for all conscious beings to be enabled to follow the call of their own soul's journey.

If you would like to know more, or to arrange a session for yourself, please get in touch for a chat or to book.

phone: +44 (0) 7986 887224

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